News / Blog

    31 October is an important date in all of our calendars. It represents a last chance to get some money back from the taxman for 2023!

    31 October is an important date in all of our calendars. It represents a last chance to get some money back from the taxman for 2023!

    Contingencies and Chaos

    The past three years (a “hard” Brexit and Covid-19), has not only been a daily challenge, but new obstacles to success appear and disrupt whatever headway many of us had made – ongoing war in Ukraine, inflation and spiraling energy costs.

    Changes for retirees following the Finance Act 2021.

    Following the Finance Act 2021, AMRF plans are no longer required and all existing AMRFs are now automatically be recorded as ARFs.

    Tax Relief and Retirement for the Self Employed

    Tax Relief and Retirement for the Self Employed
    AVCs are often referred to as 'rocket fuel' for pensions. While some of us may not have the luxury of disposable income in the current climate, it is worth considering what you can afford contribute.

    Pensions with CIRT

    Joining CIRT has never been easier. There are many benefits to starting a pension today.

    Milestone Advisory Post - The Trouble with Cash

    Milestone Advisory Post - The Trouble with Cash
    For businesses, the logic of viewing cash as a safe haven asset has been eroded over the last decade. If you are holding cash in a trading account or company account now is the time to reconsider.

    Changes to how the future value of your pension is projected

    From 1 March 2021, all Irish pension providers are changing the way we calculate the projections that appear on your Benefit Statements and on your online pension account.

    31 October is an important date in all of our calendars.....

    31 October is an important date in all of our calendars. It represents a last chance to get some money back from the taxman for 2019!

    Financial guidance during a crisis

    Susan O'Mara from Milestone Advisory gives some useful tips to help us through the current uncertain times

    Planning for your retirement

    Susan O'Mara from Milestone Advisory considers what do we mean when we think about planning for our retirement

    Protect your finances - Save for the future

    Susan O'Mara from Milestone Advisory reminds us that the way to protect your finances is to save for the future and to insure against the unexpected. It is that simple!

    Employers should look at broader benefits package when trying to attract or retain employees

    Employers should look at broader benefits package when trying to attract or retain employees

    Planning for your retirement

    Susan O'Mara from Milestone Advisory asks what do we mean when we talk about retirement?

    Benefits of reading your benefit Statement

    Susan O'Mara from Milestone Advisory reminds you to read your Annual Benefit statement

    31 October is an important date in all of our calendars...

    31 October 2019 is an important date in all of our calendars. It represents a last chance to get some money back from the taxman for 2018!

    Time to take control of your retirement planning

    If you are 50 or over it is now time to take control of your retirement planning.

    What to look for in a pension plan

    We all know the many good reasons to contribute to a pension arrangement – but when setting up a pension plan or reviewing your current arrangement, what is important?

    Whats your financial plan for 2019?

    In her latest article, Susan O'Mara of Milestone Advisory focuses on the need for us all to think about planning for the next 20 years rather than just on the year ahead when it comes to planning for our retirement.

    3 reasons to start reducing your 2018 tax bill right now!

    It's never too early to look at ways to reduce your tax bill.

    Why should we pay Additional Voluntary Contributions

    CIRT Pension Consultant Damien Starken considers why we should pay Additional Voluntary Contributions (AVC's) or in the case of self employed individuals - why make contributions to a pension arrangement ?

    Budget 2019 at a glance

    Here are some of the highlights from Budget 2019

    Phishing, Cyber Security

    Phishing is not a relaxing day chilling by the river - it's cybercrime.

    The Housing Crisis, the Rental Crisis and the Pensions Time Bomb!

    What do the Housing and Rental Crisis have in common with the Pensions Time bomb? ...............Everything.

    The construction sector is ahead of the game on pension cover

    With the introduction of Sectoral Employment Orders the construction industry is leading the way in pension cover for workers.

    GDPR - Jargon buster!

    With GDPR just around the corner Lorraine Valentine, CPAS' Regulatory and Compliance Specialist has put together some useful jargon busters to help you understand some of the key language used.

    Building Pension Equality

    Recent statistics show that the gap in retirement income between men and women in Ireland is currently 37%. Susan O'Mara of Milestone Advisory discusses the gender pension gap

    Are you covered?

    You may have some form of Life Cover in place but do you have financial protection in the event of serious illness? Susan O'Mara of Milestone Advisory reminds us that reviewing our finances is never a bad thing.

    GDPR – The Elephant in the Boardroom!

    CPAS Regulatory and Compliance Specialist - Lorraine Valentine - asks are you ready for GDPR?

    Is Life cover important?

    Susan O'Mara of Milestone Advisory asks is Life cover important

    31 October is an important date in all of our calendars...

    31 October 2017 is an important date in all of our calendars. It represents a last chance to get some money back from the taxman for 2016!

    Budget 2018 - Main points to note

    In this year's budget the Minister for Finance, Paschal Donohoe, has announced €1.2 billion in new spending and tax cuts....

    Avocado and Toast?

    Susan O'Mara of Milestone Advisory asks - is the craze for Avocado and Toast the reason millennials can't save money?

    Pensions as a Tool for Attracting and Retaining Key Staff

    CIRT Pension Consultant, Damien Starken looks at how to get the best people to work for you and to stay as the Economy picks up - while not directly related to the self employed might be a useful one to share with your colleagues in the industry

    Top tip for improving your finances in 2017

    Let's kick-start 2017 by doing at least one thing to help improve our finances. Susan O'Mara of Milestone Advisory gives us her "top tip".

    Whats happening in pensions today?

    CERS Manager, Frances McNally knows that pensions might not be top of your priority list but outlines why it may be one of your biggest financial commitments!

    Life after career

    Saving for retirement is important but so is thinking about what you will do in retirement!

    From the cradle to the grave....

    The State Pension - how much is it, when does it start and how do we qualify for it? CPAS colleague Paula Thornton gives a good summary in this article

    Are pensions too complicated?

    Susan O'Mara of Milestone Advisory asks if pensions are too complicated and cuts through the complexity with some thoughts on how you can get yourself on the right path.

    Planning for your retirement...

    Planning for your retirement...
    Interesting article from our Milestone Advisory colleague Susan O'Mara re planning for your retirement.

    Budget 2016 - Main points to note

    Budget 2016 - Main points to note
    Frances McNally, Manager of CERS, outlines some of the main points to be noted in Budget 2016

    What impact does China have on your pension?

    What impact does China have on your pension?
    Paula Thornton, CERS Pension Consultant,examines the impact that China has on your pension?

    To ARF or not to ARF – that is the Question!

    To ARF or not to ARF – that is the Question!

    Volatile markets - "try" not to panic!

    Manager of CERS, Frances McNally considers that if you are a long-term investor, saving toward a retirement that is a decade or more away, you will do yourself few favours by responding to market movements as they occur.

    Busting Financial Jargon

    A useful guide to financial jargon from Susan O'Mara, Financial Consultant in Milestone Advisory

    The Law Relating to Compulsory Retirement

    Michael Doyle of Arthur Cox,legal advisors to the CERS pension arrangement,has provided this article particularly aimed at employers to help explain some of the changes of the Equality (Miscellaneous Provisions)Act 2015

    A Guide to Keyperson Cover

    If you are a business owner, there is a way to protect your business in the event of the death or serious illness of an important member of your team

    CPAS chosen charity 2017

    CPAS's chosen charity for 2017 is the Irish Heart Foundation

    Supporting Pieta House

    In 2016, The CIRT team as part of CPAS decided to partner with Pieta House and the Mind Our Workers campaign, to drive awareness of suicide and self-harm in the construction sector.

    Important date - 31 October 2016

    31 October 2016 is an important date in all of our calendars. It represents a last chance to get some money back from the taxman for 2015!

    Visit CIRT at the CPAS Autumn Roadshows

    An event not to be missed! CPAS have brought together a broad range of speakers to guide you as you save and plan for your retirement, both now and the future.

    Pensions and Divorce - the Highlights!

    CIRT colleague, Paula Thornton, CERS Pension Consultant,looks at this complex area in more detail

    Visit CIRT at the CPAS Stand at the Construction Summit on 15.6.2016

    Visit CIRT at the CPAS Stand at the Construction Summit on 15.6.2016

    Pensions and taxation information for company owners and sole traders

    Susan O'Mara from Milestone Advisory, writes here about the role tax relief plays in ensuring we save for retirement.

    CIF Breakfast Briefing 9.3.2016

    This upcoming CIF Breakfast Briefing 9.3.2016 might be of interest to CIRT members.

    CIF and the Peter McVerry Trust Project

    CIF and the Peter McVerry Trust Project

    6 Things to do differently in 2016…

    6 Things to do differently in 2016…

    CWPS Celebrate 50 years!

    CWPS Celebrate 50 years!
    Our colleagues in CWPS celebrate 50 years of providing pension and death in service benefits to its members.

    31 October 2015 is an important date in all of our calendars...

    31 October 2015 is an important date in all of our calendars...
    31 October is an important date in all of our calendars. It represents a last chance to get some money back from the taxman for 2014!

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